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Abletunes Knobs
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Abletunes Knobs

three sound sculpture tools

With Abletunes Knobs Abletunes has released three free effect plugins Drive, Space, and Attack in their OneKnobFX series. These mini tools featuring only one knob will help you to solve certain specific problems faster and effortless during the production stage, leaving the finetuning for a mixdown stage. As you may understand from the titles Drive Knob is a stereo distortion unit, Attack Knob is a simplified transient shaper and Space Knob is a midsized stereo reverb.

Attack Knob affects only Atack section of the waveform to add bite to the drum loops, to enhance percussive transients or to make guitar solos sound more solid. Drive unit delivers wide-band stereo distortion. Great for when you quickly want to add some tone and color to your sound. Space Knob –stereo room reverb is a bright one, creating a mid-sized space, somewhere in between a large room and a small hall. Works well on almost anything, from percussion to synths and acoustic guitars.

Abletunes Knobs Attack, Drive and Space for Windows and Mac are free of charge.

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